Emotional Intelligence Training in Lebanon & the Middle-East

Learn how to understand your own emotions and the emotional triggers of others, take control and gain the respect of all your peers. If you can control your emotions and respond to those of others you can open the door to untold careers and life success.
Understand what Emotional Intelligence means
Learn the EI Competencies
Know yourself, increase yourself awareness
Develop Empathy
Learn how our Model of the World and Belief Systems affect our Emotions
Building Self Management
Learn the Six Leadership Styles and which one to use in different situations
Consciously choose your thoughts, feelings and actions
Understand Ego States and find out your own dominant Ego State
Duration: 1 full Day
Session Outline:
What is Emotional Intelligence: why is it a crucial factor to succeed in Business and in Life?
EI Competencies: Learn and develop them:
Self Awareness: How well do you know, or think you know yourself. Take an inventory in self awareness.
Self Management: Handling our emotions so that they facilitate rather than interfere; delaying gratification to pursue goals; recovering well from emotional distress.
Social Awareness: Using Empathy: Learn how People Tick and how we code our experiences and find out what makes people behave, feel and act the way they do.
Social Management: what is it and how we develop it? Learn the Reframing technique to choose the most appropriate thoughts, feelings and actions through changing the content and/or context of the situation at hand.
EI & Leadership Style: Correlation between EI Competencies, Styles, Climate and Results, Organizational Climate: The Six Components
The Six Leadership Styles: When best to use each style, Impact of Styles on Climate and Bottom Line Results
Transactional Analysis: Through a Self-Assessment test, discover your own dominant Ego State and learn how it affects your and others communication outcomes. Learn the techniques to handle negative emotions through managing Ego States.
Methodology The Workshop is highly interactive and uses a variety of classroom demonstrations, direct-experience practice exercises, group discussions and Q&A sessions. This creates a rich and stimulating learning environment that allows participants to confidently experience the direct benefits of what they have learned. Self-analysis questionnaires & feedback instruments as well as personal attention and direction between the trainer and participants will further assure that the material will be internalized, utilized rapidly and effectively and immediately integrated into the work environment.
Who Should Attend? Upper & Middle Managers, Team Leaders, Customer Service and Sales executives, HR Managers and Personnel as well as anyone whose job entails dealing with inside and outside clients and can benefit from increasing their own Emotional Intelligence